Patrick Novecosky speaks at Holy Family Feast on July 9, 2024

BLOOMINGDALE, Ohio (July 9, 2024)—Patrick Novecosky was the featured speaker this morning at the Apostolate For Family Consecration’s Holy Family Fest. He spoke about how Pope Saint John Paul II changed the world and how the pope’s prayer life was like “a nuclear reactor” that powered his ability to change the world for Christ.

“Prayer enables us to meet God at the most profound level of our being,” Novecosky said, quoting John Paul II. “It connects us directly to God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — in a constant exchange of love. Through prayer, you will learn to become the light of the world because, in prayer, you become one with the source of our true light — Jesus Himself.”

Novecosky unpacked John Paul’s legacy during his talk for more than 200 adult participants at AFC’s week-long event. The talk culminated in a countdown of the top ten ways the Polish pontiff changed the world.

Watch the entire talk here (52 minutes 34 seconds)