NEW YORK (May 28, 2024) — Patrick Novecosky was a guest on Newsmax TV’s “The Chris Salcedo” today with host Chris Salcedo. He asked Novecosky about the Catholic Church’s process for canonizing saints in the wake of the Vatican’s approval of a second miracle attributed to Blessed Carlo Acutis, the Catholic millennial beatified in 2019.

They discussed Acutis’ passion for the Eucharist and his affinity for Saint Francis of Assisi. “Carlo kind of wanted to emulate [Saint] Francis,” Noveocsky explained. “Interestingly, he wanted to be buried in Assisi, and at this point, he’s actually drawing more pilgrims to Assisi than Saint Francis is,” Novecosky said.

Novecosky edited and wrote the foreword for Sabrina Ferrisi’s book, Blessed Carlo Acutis: The Amazing Discovery of a Teenager in Heaven.

WATCH THE ENTIRE SEGMENT HERE (3 minutes 31 seconds).