VATICAN CITY (October 29, 2021) — Patrick Novecosky published the following article at The Stream today. His commentary decries the abortion activism of “Catholic” President Joe Biden and the seeming approval of Pope Francis after their meeting at the Vatican today. The article is below:

Innocent as Serpents: Biden, Francis and Abortion

There are few things more scandalous than a Catholic public figure declaring himself to be “devout” while at the same time advocating for the slaughter of the innocent. I’m speaking, of course, of President Joe Biden. But I’m also speaking of Pope Francis.

Despite the Pope’s platitudes likening abortion to “hiring a hitman to solve a problem,” he has heaped praise upon abortionist Emma Bonino, calling her “a great Italian.” Bonino had her own child killed by abortion, she brutally dismembered and killed over 10,000 babies in the womb with her own hands, and through her political activism is morally responsible for the murder of over six million children.

Biden meanwhile is hell-bent on having Roe v. Wade enshrined in federal law. More than 2,300 boys and girls are brutally murdered by abortion every single day in America, but that’s not enough for our “Catholic” president, nor our Catholic pope it seems.

A Scandal Pure and Simple

The Biden-Francis meeting at the Vatican on Friday was a scandal pure and simple. It never should have happened. Despite the Vatican’s last-minute decision to curtail press coverage of the meeting, the damage is done. The President is milking the meeting for all it’s worth. Reports in Rome asked whether the subject of abortion had come up, Biden said: “No, it didn’t. It came up — We just talked about the fact he was happy that I was a good Catholic, and I should keep receiving Communion.” Biden was then asked directly whether Francis said he should continue receiving Communion. “Yes,” Biden replied.

Catholics are irate, to put it mildly.

The pope and Biden may see eye-to-eye with Biden on “essential issues” like climate change, poverty, and the pandemic, but compared to the death toll of abortion, these issues are pabulum.