Jun 29, 2009 | culture, faith
JUNE 29, 2009 — Father John Corapi has a profound way of telling it like it is. The renowned preacher’s booming baritone cuts through the clutter of easy answers and points to the fundamentals of our faith. The dynamic evangelist, who fashioned his ministry...
Jun 28, 2009 | culture, faith
JUNE 28, 2009 — Steve McEveety is no stranger to controversy. The veteran producer of films like Bella, Braveheart and We Were Soldiers has worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood. But he’s also taken heat for projects like The Passion of the Christ,...
May 18, 2009 | culture, faith
MAY 18, 2009 — Pope Benedict XVI stepped into the fray of Middle East politics by endorsing a Palestinian state during his recent pilgrimage to the Holy Land. During his May 15 farewell speech at the Tel Aviv airport, the Pope stressed the need for universal...
May 14, 2009 | culture, faith
MAY 14, 2009 — After spending the last three days in the rugged Jordanian outback, one thing is clear: My people (fair skinned Germanic types) were not made for the desert. Even though I live in Florida where the sun can bake anyone to a crisp, the hot, dry...
May 14, 2009 | culture, faith
MAY 14, 2009 — Steve Breen and his wife, Cathy, had just finished a 54-day novena to St. Joseph when they got the news that he had won his second Pulitzer Prize. Breen’s cartoons are nationally syndicated and regularly appear in The New York Times, USA Today,...
May 12, 2009 | culture, faith
MAY 12, 2009 — As the pea gravel crunched beneath my feet, I couldn’t help but think of the Last Supper where Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. The chalky dust not only covered my shoes, but permeated the air as we walked the path to the spot where...