Benedict, the papacy and the conclave

MARCH 6, 2013 — Patrick Novecosky, editor of this blog and editor-in-chief of Legatus magazine, was a guest on Iowa Catholic Radio in Des Moines, Iowa, this morning. He appeared on the Catholic Radio Iowa Morning Show with Jeanne Wells and Dowling Catholic Hall of...

Well done, good and faithful servant

My hat’s off to him. Pope Benedict XVI sure knows how to make headlines. His Feb. 11 announcement that he would step down as the Church’s 265th successor of St. Peter was heard around the world. The Pope’s decision took many by surprise — including New York Cardinal...

The end of an era: Pope Benedict XVI steps down

FEBRUARY 13, 2013 — Patrick Novecosky, editor of this blog and editor-in-chief of Legatus magazine, was a guest on KWKY Radio in Des Moines, Iowa, this morning. He appeared on the Catholic Radio Iowa Morning Show with Jeanne Wells and Dowling Catholic Hall of Famer...

Are we living in post-Christian America?

JANUARY 12, 2013 — Patrick Novecosky, editor of this blog, was a guest on WOR 710-AM Radio in New York City this evening. He appeared on the Ask the Lawyers program with host Michael N. Connors. Michael interviewed Patrick about his latest editorial in Legatus...