Fighting the Culture of Death

OCTOBER 1, 2012 — Patrick Novecosky, editor of this blog, was a guest on KWKY Radio in Des Moines, Iowa, this morning. He was the first guest of the day on the Catholic Radio Iowa Morning Show with Jon Leonetti, Jeanne Wellsand Dowling Catholic Hall of Famer...

Diocese Live on Real Life Radio, Lexington

SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 — Patrick Novecosky, editor of this blog and of Legatus Magazine, was a live in-studio guest on Diocese Live with host Leo Brown on Real Life Radio in Lexington, Kentucky, this afternoon. Novecosky was in Lexington to speak to the local Legatus...

There be ‘isms’

John Zmirak’s guide to navigating college ideologies. by Patrick Novecosky Navigating a new college environment is difficult enough for Catholic freshmen without having to combat each secular philosophy and “ism” that lurks around every corner....

The family is God’s work

Have you ever noticed that many adults these days seem to be confused about a lot of things? Even people of faith seem confused about the direction our country is going, about our culture, and even about our faith. Certain elements in our culture are working hard to...